suguru puzzle   tectonic puzzel

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

This is a sudoku variant to practice multiplication tables in combination with logical thinking.

  • The normal sudoku rules apply (the blocks are only separated from each other).
  • The numbers in the colored cells are products (=the result of a multiplication). You have to place the factors in the grid. Sometimes you have multiple options eg 24 can be 4x6 or 3x8. There are 5 possible situations:
    • Rows with colored cells between blocks: the smallest factor is placed in one of the 3 cells to the left of the colored cell and the largest factor in one of the 3 cells to the right of the colored cell.
    • Columns with colored cells between blocks: the smallest factor is placed in one of the 3 cells above the colored cell and the largest factor in one of the 3 cells below the colored cell.
    • Colored cells on the 2 diagonals: the smallest factor on the diagonal is placed in one of the 3 cells above the colored cell and the largest factor on the diagonal in one of the 3 cells below the colored cell. This in both directions.
    • Empty colored cells in dark blue: the numbers in the 3 cells on the left or the 3 cells above the empty colored cells are all larger than the 3 numbers on the right or below the empty colored cell.
    • Colored cells with a cross are cells where we do not show a product to make the puzzle more difficult.

TIP: when you have found both factors of a product, click on the cell of that product. The field turns BLACK as a reminder that you have found the factors for that product.


Follow the steps below to solve this sudoku variant.

  • LEV: there is only 1 level.
  • PUZZLE: choose a sudoku puzzle.
  • START: choose START after selecting PUZZLE. The sudoku is being loaded.
  • First choose a CELL and then the NUMBER or NUMBERS you want to fill in.
  • Choose the same NUMBER again to remove the number or choose a different NUMBER to replace the previous one.
  • Choose 1 or more of the SMALL NUMBERS to indicate possible candidates
  • Click NEXT to jump to the next sudoku puzzle.
  • Click CHECK to see if there are errors.
  • Click on SOL to display the solution of the sudoku.